Emotional Fluency: The Language Black Boys aren’t Taught | Nate Evans Jr. | TEDxWhiting


Nate Evans Jr. discusses an issue within black communities that persists due to the lack of mental health awareness. Nathan Evans Jr. is a First-Generation High School & First-Generation College graduate. He creates experiences for apprehensive students to feel worthy when they are waging a war in their mind. Nate is a #1 best-selling author, [

Black Psychoanalysts Speak


www.blackpsychoanalystsspeak.org For the newest Afterness Media release on analyst Carlo Strenger: To download this video for a fee or purchase a DVD, please contact blackpsychoanalystsspeak@gmail.com The analysts featured in this documentary contend that psychoanalysis has a long history as a progressive movement devoted to the common good. Psycho

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